Friday Night Stitch In (FNSI) June 2016

I have found another wonderful link up – FNSI, or Friday Night Stitch In hosted by Sugarlane Designs. It is the same idea as IHSW, but instead of the whole weekend, it’s just the Friday night! So much less stitching to be done, although some weekends probably result in more stitching on a Friday night than the rest of the weekend for me at times!

It was the perfect afternoon and evening for stitching – raining, and a few claps of thunder. This actually makes it very difficult to stitch as a certain friend of mine requires cuddles and comfort during and for a while after the crash bang of the thunder!

wet weather stitching

But we snuggled up, and enjoyed the relaxing time stitching away on the fox. After a lot of contemplation I decided I was OK with the way his ears had turned out!

It was a really lovely feeling finishing the ears (well pre-critique anyway!). I struggled a lot more with his ears than I thought I would.

fnsi finished ears

If you are interested in seeing what others got up to on Friday night, head over to Sugarlane Designs to see who else joined in and follow their links. If you would like to share your stitching achievements on Friday or over the weekend, please let us know what you got up to!

The post Friday Night Stitch In (FNSI) June 2016 first appeared on Hillview Embroidery

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