A Sneak peak into Jen Goodwin's exhibition Catalogue

A Sneak Peak into Jen Goodwin’s Exhibition Catalogue

Embroidery Exhibitions and Books

A little look inside the Exhibition Catalogue of Jen Goodwin’s first solo exhibition. But it is much more than just a catalogue!

Something a Little Different Today!

On Monday I was most excited about the postman’s delivery – it felt like Christmas had come early! Firstly, I received my first ‘Delectable Morsels’ box from Alison Cole (more on this later). And secondly, Jen Goodwin’s catalogue of her current solo exhibition arrived. A very good day! After posting a picture on Instagram, Dima from the lovely D1-D2 blog asked for a peak inside whilst she awaits her copy, so here it is!

The beautiful cover of Jen Goodwin's exhibition catalogue


A Catalogue or an Embroidery Book?

Firstly, this is a truly beautiful book. It is a soft cover book, with the cover showing one of Jen’s more recent pieces of one of her cats. She has three cats, all of whom have had their portraits completed and are shown in the catalogue. Apparently a puppy has recently joined in on the fun too (wouldn’t that have been funny to watch the introductions!), and the puppy will have his portrait taken this year some time. Something to look forward to!

Secondly, whilst this is called a ‘catalogue’, as it accompanies her current exhibition, to me it is much more. There are not only beautiful photos of Jen’s work as one would expect in a catalogue, there are also sketches and notes she has made and graciously shared with us, as she first designs, and then stitches, these works of art. For me personally this is very interesting, as I’ m interested in seeing all sorts of approaches to design as I work my way through the Certificate.

With some of her more recent pieces, Jen has detailed some interesting pieces of trivia! The number of hours to complete a piece (usually around eighty!), and the number of colours and types of threads she has used in her silk shading pieces of her birds and cats. I have to admit, I got heart palpitations when reading some of these points. Such small pieces using up to 30 shades! For someone who is thinking about their next Certificate piece of silk shading, I find this a little daunting! I can see this is what makes all the difference, but how on earth do you manage so many shades?! I have much to learn.

An example of some of Jen's goldwork


Some of Jen's working drawings


 So in summary!

When reading this Catalogue/Embroidery Inspiration book, you really feel like you get to know Jen! Her way of talking through her design process, very briefly about her time as an RSN apprentice (where I got quite the chuckle at her saying she doesn’t particularly like canvaswork – apparently I’m not alone!), and generally sharing her joy and love of embroidery, make this a very personal book from Jen. Her designs, along with her work in progress photos, make this a beautiful book for embroiderers to enjoy. It’s not an instructional book, but it is one you can learn from and definitely draw inspiration from. It’s certainly given me something to aspire to!

This catalogue book isn’t in wide circulation. If you are lucky enough to be able to view the pieces in person at her exhibition, I’m sure you could pick one up there! You can also order them through Jen herself and the RSN shop will be carrying them I believe.

Working the cat in silk shading


8 thoughts on “A Sneak Peak into Jen Goodwin’s Exhibition Catalogue”

    1. It’s a really beautiful book which Jen clearly put a lot of time into! Definitely interesting especially if you love silk shading!

  1. Thank you Catherine! I got mine yesterday and haven’t had the chance to read through it yet. Now that I’ve read your post I will have to read it very closely. Can’t wait for your next post on Alison Cole’s delectable morsels. I probably won’t get mine till the end of the month.

  2. j adore un libre magnifique ,a mon club de broderie a MONACO PRESIDANTE LA PRINCESSE CAROLINE DE ANOBRE ont parle du magnifique oubrage merci JEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. It’s fascinating learning about their processes! Jen has given a brilliant insight – so many detailed photos!

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